Friday, April 25, 2008

The Birth of Hidden Springs

It's finally spring, the garden is in (thanks to Kate and Mary Kay) who labored for hours planting 26 kinds of vegetables. Kate decided to go for quality this year and was enamoured with the idea of variety instead of massive quantities of what we had planted last year. The rhubarb is now ready (yes Irene, all 10 plants of it--enough to feed the entire town of Brevard). The Blueberries survived the winter and thrived under the horse and chicken manure feedings as did the raspberry vines. We are going to have an excellent crop of both this year, only the second year they have been in the ground. A friend at Brevard College gave us extras in both the blueberry and raspberry department from her yard--we worried that some of the blueberries died, but they did not and the transplantings are all doing nicely.

Mary Kay's sister Meg, who will be here once a month from now on, commented during her last short visit, that we had enough food here to not go to the store for 2 years! As we really desire to be off the grid someday, this was a very pleasant to our ears comment.

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